Create a vpc Infrastructure and Host a wordpress Application with Mysql & Launch VPC using NAT Gateway for hosting WordPress on AWS


Task 3

Create a VPC Infrastructure and Host a wordpress Application with Mysql

by- Shivangi Saxena



  • STEP 1: Specify the Provider

    • Provider is used to specify the cloud provider that we are going to use in terraform.Here we are using AWS as a provider.

  • STEP 2: Creating key-pairs

    • A key pair, consisting of a private key and a public key, is a set of security credentials that you use to prove your identity when connecting to an instance. Amazon EC2 stores the public key, and you store the private key. You use the private key, instead of a password, to securely access your instances.

  • STEP 3: Creating a Virtual Private Network

  • STEP 4: Creating two Subnets -

    • One public and other private. For public subnet map_public_ip_on_launch has to be true and for private, it is false.

  • STEP 5: Create an internet gateway
    • To ensure that our public subnet connects to the outside world.

  1. Now we will create our own custom route table to ensure private remains private and public is public.
  2. And lastly for this network we will associate our route table to our subnet. ( public).

  • STEP 6: 
    Creating security group to allow ssh on port 22, http on     port     80 and nfs on port 2049.

    • We need two different sets of security groups. The one for wordpress allows ssh and http ports so public client can visit wordpress. But the database of wordpress needs to be stored in MySQL instance which has to be cut from outside world. The only port allowed is the port for MySQL ( 3306) .

  • STEP 7: Launch EC2 instances with MySQL and Wordpress setup.

Now  Execute      > terraform init 
                             > terraform apply auto approve
Deployment is complete.


Now , copy the public IP of Wordpress instance into your brower URL field and run it. Here is the output

Now , copy the DNS of Wordpress instance into your brower URL field and run it. Here is the output

TASK - 4

 Launch VPC using NAT Gateway for hosting WordPress on AWS

  1. Write a code to create a VPC in AWS and create public as well as private subnet.
  2. Create a public facing internet gateway and attach it to our VPC.
  3. Create a routing table for internet gateway so that instance can connect to outside world, update and associate it with public subnet.
  4. Create a NAT gateway to connect our VPC network to the internet world and attach this gateway to our VPC in the public subnet.
  5. Update the routing table of private subnet ,so that it can access the internet by using the NAT gateway.
  6. Launch an EC2 instance which has WordPress setup having security group allowing port 80 for our clients to connect to our WordPress site.Also attach the key to instance and do the same thing with MySQL allowing port 3306.
  7. WordPress instance has to be a part of public subnet so that our clients can connect to our site. MySQL instance has to be a part of private subnet so that anybody from outside world cannot initiate a connection to our instance.


In task 4 we will have to first add the same above code as in task-3, and then in this Task 4 we have to use the NAT gateway, and to add the NAT gateway we will be going to use the following code needs to used. This can be created as and used whenever required. But I have created another file where I have added NAT gateway with the code of task-3.

Output for TASK-4

Now , copy the DNS of Wordpress instance into your brower URL field and run it. Here is the output

Now , copy the IP address of Wordpress instance into your brower URL field and run it. Here is the output
